(* generated by Ott 0.33 from: src/abs.ott *)
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import Ott.ott_list_core.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From stdpp Require Import prelude strings gmap gmultiset.
#[export] Hint Resolve bool_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Hint Resolve Ascii.ascii_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Hint Resolve BinPos.Pos.eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import List.
Require Import Ott.ott_list_core.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From stdpp Require Import prelude strings gmap gmultiset.
#[export] Hint Resolve bool_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Hint Resolve Ascii.ascii_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Hint Resolve BinPos.Pos.eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
Definition i : Set := nat. (*r index variables (subscripts) *)
Lemma eq_i: forall (x y : i), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_i : ott_coq_equality.
Definition fc : Set := string. (*r function name *)
Lemma eq_fc: forall (x y : fc), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_fc : ott_coq_equality.
Definition x : Set := string. (*r variable *)
Lemma eq_x: forall (x' y : x), {x' = y} + {x' <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_x : ott_coq_equality.
Definition fut : Set := nat. (*r future type *)
Lemma eq_fut: forall (x y : fut), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_fut : ott_coq_equality.
Definition f : Set := string. (*r future name *)
Lemma eq_f: forall (x y : f), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_f : ott_coq_equality.
Definition o : Set := string. (*r object name *)
Lemma eq_o: forall (x y : o), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_o : ott_coq_equality.
Definition m : Set := string. (*r method name *)
Lemma eq_m: forall (x y : m), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_m : ott_coq_equality.
Definition C : Set := string. (*r class name *)
Lemma eq_C: forall (x y : C), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_C : ott_coq_equality.
Definition z : Set := Z.
Definition b : Set := bool.
Inductive t : Set := (*r ground term *)
| t_b (b5:b) (*r boolean *)
| t_int (z5:z) (*r integer *)
| t_fut (fut5:fut) (*r future *).
Inductive T : Set := (*r ground type *)
| T_bool : T
| T_int : T.
Inductive e : Set := (*r expression *)
| e_t (t5:t) (*r term *)
| e_var (x5:x) (*r variable *)
| e_fn_call (fc5:fc) (_:list e) (*r function call *)
| e_neg (e5:e)
| e_not (e5:e)
| e_add (e1:e) (e2:e)
| e_mul (e1:e) (e2:e)
| e_eq (e1:e) (e2:e)
| e_lt (e1:e) (e2:e).
Inductive sig : Set :=
| sig_sig (_:list T) (T_5:T).
Inductive rhs : Set := (*r right-hand side in assignment *)
| rhs_e (e5:e)
| rhs_invoc (o5:o) (m5:m) (_:list e) (*r we invoke on an object directly, not by some mysterious evaluation to object identifiers *)
| rhs_get (f5:f).
Inductive ctxv : Set :=
| ctxv_T (T5:T)
| ctxv_sig (sig5:sig)
| ctxv_fut (T5:T).
Inductive stmt : Set := (*r statement *)
| stmt_seq (stmt1:stmt) (stmt2:stmt)
| stmt_skip : stmt
| stmt_asgn (x5:x) (rhs5:rhs)
| stmt_cond (e5:e) (stmt1:stmt) (stmt2:stmt)
| stmt_loop (e5:e) (stmt5:stmt)
| stmt_ret (e5:e).
Inductive F : Set := (*r function definition *)
| F_fn (T_5:T) (fc5:fc) (_:list (T*x)) (e5:e).
Definition s : Type := gmap x t.
Definition G : Type := gmap x ctxv.
Inductive M : Set := (*r method definition *)
| M_m (T_5:T) (m5:m) (_:list (T*x)) (_:list (T*x)) (stmt5:stmt).
Inductive CL : Set := (*r class definition *)
| class (C5:C) (_:list (T*x)) (_:list M).
Definition to : Set := (option t).
Inductive P : Set := (*r program *)
| program (_:list CL) (_:list (T*x)) (stmt5:stmt).
Inductive task : Type :=
| tsk (stmt5:stmt) (s5:s).
induction principles
Section e_rect.
(P_list_e : list e -> Prop)
(P_e : e -> Prop).
(H_e_t : forall (t5:t), P_e (e_t t5))
(H_e_var : forall (x5:x), P_e (e_var x5))
(H_e_fn_call : forall (e_list:list e), P_list_e e_list -> forall (fc5:fc), P_e (e_fn_call fc5 e_list))
(H_e_neg : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_neg e5))
(H_e_not : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_not e5))
(H_e_add : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_add e1 e2))
(H_e_mul : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_mul e1 e2))
(H_e_eq : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_eq e1 e2))
(H_e_lt : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_lt e1 e2))
(H_list_e_nil : P_list_e nil)
(H_list_e_cons : forall (e0:e), P_e e0 -> forall (e_l:list e), P_list_e e_l -> P_list_e (cons e0 e_l)).
Fixpoint e_ott_ind (n:e) : P_e n :=
match n as x return P_e x with
| (e_t t5) => H_e_t t5
| (e_var x5) => H_e_var x5
| (e_fn_call fc5 e_list) => H_e_fn_call e_list (((fix e_list_ott_ind (e_l:list e) : P_list_e e_l := match e_l as x return P_list_e x with nil => H_list_e_nil | cons e1 xl => H_list_e_cons e1(e_ott_ind e1)xl (e_list_ott_ind xl) end)) e_list) fc5
| (e_neg e5) => H_e_neg e5 (e_ott_ind e5)
| (e_not e5) => H_e_not e5 (e_ott_ind e5)
| (e_add e1 e2) => H_e_add e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
| (e_mul e1 e2) => H_e_mul e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
| (e_eq e1 e2) => H_e_eq e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
| (e_lt e1 e2) => H_e_lt e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
End e_rect.
Lemma eq_z: forall (x y : z), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_z : ott_coq_equality.
Equations e_var_subst_one (e5:e) (x_ y_: x) : e := {
e_var_subst_one (e_t t) _ _ := e_t t;
e_var_subst_one (e_var x0) x_ y_ := if (eq_x x0 x_) then (e_var y_) else (e_var x0);
e_var_subst_one (e_neg e0) _ _ := e_neg (e_var_subst_one e0 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_not e0) _ _ := e_not (e_var_subst_one e0 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_add e1 e2) _ _ := e_add (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_mul e1 e2) _ _ := e_mul (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_eq e1 e2) _ _ := e_eq (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_lt e1 e2) _ _ := e_lt (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_fn_call fn0 arg_list) x_ y_ := e_fn_call fn0 (e_list_subst_one arg_list x_ y_) }
where e_list_subst_one (es:list e) (x_ y_: x) : list e := {
e_list_subst_one nil _ _ := nil;
e_list_subst_one (e0::es) x_ y_ := e_var_subst_one e0 x_ y_ :: e_list_subst_one es x_ y_
Definition e_var_subst (e5:e) (l:list (x*x)) : e := foldr (fun '(x', y') e' => e_var_subst_one e' x' y') e5 l.
Equations fresh_vars_e (l : list x) (e0 : e) : Prop := {
fresh_vars_e _ (e_t _) := True;
fresh_vars_e l (e_var x) := ~ In x l;
fresh_vars_e l (e_neg e0) := fresh_vars_e l e0;
fresh_vars_e l (e_not e0) := fresh_vars_e l e0;
fresh_vars_e l (e_add e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_mul e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_eq e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_lt e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_fn_call fn el) := fresh_vars_el l el }
where fresh_vars_el (l : list x) (el0 : list e) : Prop := {
fresh_vars_el l nil := True;
fresh_vars_el l (e1::el0) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_el l el0 }.
Fixpoint fresh_vars_s (l : list x) (s0 : s): Prop :=
match l with
| nil => True
| (y::ys) => lookup y s0 = None /\ fresh_vars_s ys s0
Definition fresh_vars (l : list x) (e0: e) (s0: s) : Prop :=
fresh_vars_s l s0 /\ fresh_vars_e l e0.
Definition well_formed (e0: e) (s0: s) (l:list x) : Prop := fresh_vars l e0 s0 /\ NoDup l.
#[export] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Hint Resolve t_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
Section e_rec.
(P_e : e -> Set)
(P_list_e : list e -> Set).
(H_e_t : forall (t5:t), P_e (e_t t5))
(H_e_var : forall (x5:x), P_e (e_var x5))
(H_e_neg : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_neg e5))
(H_e_not : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_not e5))
(H_e_add : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_add e1 e2))
(H_e_mul : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_mul e1 e2))
(H_e_eq : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_eq e1 e2))
(H_e_lt : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_lt e1 e2))
(H_e_fn_call : forall (e_list:list e), P_list_e e_list -> forall (fc5:fc), P_e (e_fn_call fc5 e_list))
(H_list_e_nil : P_list_e nil)
(H_list_e_cons : forall (e0:e), P_e e0 -> forall (e_l:list e), P_list_e e_l -> P_list_e (cons e0 e_l)).
Fixpoint e_ott_rec (n:e) : P_e n :=
match n as x return P_e x with
| (e_t t5) => H_e_t t5
| (e_var x5) => H_e_var x5
| (e_neg e5) => H_e_neg e5 (e_ott_rec e5)
| (e_not e5) => H_e_not e5 (e_ott_rec e5)
| (e_add e1 e2) => H_e_add e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_mul e1 e2) => H_e_mul e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_eq e1 e2) => H_e_eq e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_lt e1 e2) => H_e_lt e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_fn_call fn5 e_list) => H_e_fn_call e_list
(((fix e_list_ott_rec (e_l:list e) : P_list_e e_l :=
match e_l as x return P_list_e x with
| nil => H_list_e_nil
| cons e1 xl => H_list_e_cons e1(e_ott_rec e1)xl (e_list_ott_rec xl)
end)) e_list) fn5
End e_rec.
#[export] Instance e_eq_dec : EqDecision e.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
induction x0 using e_ott_rec with
(P_list_e := fun e_list => forall e_list', {e_list = e_list'} + {e_list <> e_list'});
intros; try (destruct y; auto).
- destruct (decide (t5 = t0)) as [H_t|H_t].
+ by left; rewrite H_t.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (decide (x5 = x0)) as [H_x|H_x].
+ by left; rewrite H_x.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0 y); subst; first by auto.
by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0 y); subst; first by auto.
by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (decide (fc5 = fc0)) as [H_f|H_f].
+ rewrite H_f; destruct (IHx0 l); subst; auto.
by right; intro Hl; inversion Hl.
+ by right; inv 1.
- by destruct e_list'; auto.
- destruct e_list'; first by auto.
destruct (IHx0 e0); subst.
+ destruct (IHx1 e_list'); subst; first by auto.
by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
#[export] Hint Resolve e_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance rhs_eq_dec : EqDecision rhs.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
- apply e_eq_dec.
- apply list_eq_dec; apply e_eq_dec.
#[export] Hint Resolve rhs_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance stmt_eq_dec : EqDecision stmt.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
- apply rhs_eq_dec.
- apply e_eq_dec.
- apply e_eq_dec.
- apply e_eq_dec.
#[export] Hint Resolve stmt_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance task_eq_dec: EqDecision task.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
- by destruct (decide (s5 = s0)); [left|right].
- apply stmt_eq_dec.
#[export] Hint Resolve task_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance countable_task: Countable task.
(* is there some automation for this? *)
Definition queue : Set := (gmultiset task).
Definition tasko : Type := (option task).
Inductive cn : Type := (*r configuration *)
| cn_future (f5:f) (to5:to)
| cn_object (C5:C) (s5:s) (tasko5:tasko) (queue5:queue)
| cn_invoc (o5:o) (f5:f) (m5:m) (_:list t).
(P_list_e : list e -> Prop)
(P_e : e -> Prop).
(H_e_t : forall (t5:t), P_e (e_t t5))
(H_e_var : forall (x5:x), P_e (e_var x5))
(H_e_fn_call : forall (e_list:list e), P_list_e e_list -> forall (fc5:fc), P_e (e_fn_call fc5 e_list))
(H_e_neg : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_neg e5))
(H_e_not : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_not e5))
(H_e_add : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_add e1 e2))
(H_e_mul : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_mul e1 e2))
(H_e_eq : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_eq e1 e2))
(H_e_lt : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_lt e1 e2))
(H_list_e_nil : P_list_e nil)
(H_list_e_cons : forall (e0:e), P_e e0 -> forall (e_l:list e), P_list_e e_l -> P_list_e (cons e0 e_l)).
Fixpoint e_ott_ind (n:e) : P_e n :=
match n as x return P_e x with
| (e_t t5) => H_e_t t5
| (e_var x5) => H_e_var x5
| (e_fn_call fc5 e_list) => H_e_fn_call e_list (((fix e_list_ott_ind (e_l:list e) : P_list_e e_l := match e_l as x return P_list_e x with nil => H_list_e_nil | cons e1 xl => H_list_e_cons e1(e_ott_ind e1)xl (e_list_ott_ind xl) end)) e_list) fc5
| (e_neg e5) => H_e_neg e5 (e_ott_ind e5)
| (e_not e5) => H_e_not e5 (e_ott_ind e5)
| (e_add e1 e2) => H_e_add e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
| (e_mul e1 e2) => H_e_mul e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
| (e_eq e1 e2) => H_e_eq e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
| (e_lt e1 e2) => H_e_lt e1 (e_ott_ind e1) e2 (e_ott_ind e2)
End e_rect.
Lemma eq_z: forall (x y : z), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality arith.
Hint Resolve eq_z : ott_coq_equality.
Equations e_var_subst_one (e5:e) (x_ y_: x) : e := {
e_var_subst_one (e_t t) _ _ := e_t t;
e_var_subst_one (e_var x0) x_ y_ := if (eq_x x0 x_) then (e_var y_) else (e_var x0);
e_var_subst_one (e_neg e0) _ _ := e_neg (e_var_subst_one e0 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_not e0) _ _ := e_not (e_var_subst_one e0 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_add e1 e2) _ _ := e_add (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_mul e1 e2) _ _ := e_mul (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_eq e1 e2) _ _ := e_eq (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_lt e1 e2) _ _ := e_lt (e_var_subst_one e1 x_ y_) (e_var_subst_one e2 x_ y_);
e_var_subst_one (e_fn_call fn0 arg_list) x_ y_ := e_fn_call fn0 (e_list_subst_one arg_list x_ y_) }
where e_list_subst_one (es:list e) (x_ y_: x) : list e := {
e_list_subst_one nil _ _ := nil;
e_list_subst_one (e0::es) x_ y_ := e_var_subst_one e0 x_ y_ :: e_list_subst_one es x_ y_
Definition e_var_subst (e5:e) (l:list (x*x)) : e := foldr (fun '(x', y') e' => e_var_subst_one e' x' y') e5 l.
Equations fresh_vars_e (l : list x) (e0 : e) : Prop := {
fresh_vars_e _ (e_t _) := True;
fresh_vars_e l (e_var x) := ~ In x l;
fresh_vars_e l (e_neg e0) := fresh_vars_e l e0;
fresh_vars_e l (e_not e0) := fresh_vars_e l e0;
fresh_vars_e l (e_add e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_mul e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_eq e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_lt e1 e2) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_e l e2;
fresh_vars_e l (e_fn_call fn el) := fresh_vars_el l el }
where fresh_vars_el (l : list x) (el0 : list e) : Prop := {
fresh_vars_el l nil := True;
fresh_vars_el l (e1::el0) := fresh_vars_e l e1 /\ fresh_vars_el l el0 }.
Fixpoint fresh_vars_s (l : list x) (s0 : s): Prop :=
match l with
| nil => True
| (y::ys) => lookup y s0 = None /\ fresh_vars_s ys s0
Definition fresh_vars (l : list x) (e0: e) (s0: s) : Prop :=
fresh_vars_s l s0 /\ fresh_vars_e l e0.
Definition well_formed (e0: e) (s0: s) (l:list x) : Prop := fresh_vars l e0 s0 /\ NoDup l.
#[export] Instance t_eq_dec : EqDecision t.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Hint Resolve t_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
Section e_rec.
(P_e : e -> Set)
(P_list_e : list e -> Set).
(H_e_t : forall (t5:t), P_e (e_t t5))
(H_e_var : forall (x5:x), P_e (e_var x5))
(H_e_neg : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_neg e5))
(H_e_not : forall (e5:e), P_e e5 -> P_e (e_not e5))
(H_e_add : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_add e1 e2))
(H_e_mul : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_mul e1 e2))
(H_e_eq : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_eq e1 e2))
(H_e_lt : forall (e1:e), P_e e1 -> forall (e2:e), P_e e2 -> P_e (e_lt e1 e2))
(H_e_fn_call : forall (e_list:list e), P_list_e e_list -> forall (fc5:fc), P_e (e_fn_call fc5 e_list))
(H_list_e_nil : P_list_e nil)
(H_list_e_cons : forall (e0:e), P_e e0 -> forall (e_l:list e), P_list_e e_l -> P_list_e (cons e0 e_l)).
Fixpoint e_ott_rec (n:e) : P_e n :=
match n as x return P_e x with
| (e_t t5) => H_e_t t5
| (e_var x5) => H_e_var x5
| (e_neg e5) => H_e_neg e5 (e_ott_rec e5)
| (e_not e5) => H_e_not e5 (e_ott_rec e5)
| (e_add e1 e2) => H_e_add e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_mul e1 e2) => H_e_mul e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_eq e1 e2) => H_e_eq e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_lt e1 e2) => H_e_lt e1 (e_ott_rec e1) e2 (e_ott_rec e2)
| (e_fn_call fn5 e_list) => H_e_fn_call e_list
(((fix e_list_ott_rec (e_l:list e) : P_list_e e_l :=
match e_l as x return P_list_e x with
| nil => H_list_e_nil
| cons e1 xl => H_list_e_cons e1(e_ott_rec e1)xl (e_list_ott_rec xl)
end)) e_list) fn5
End e_rec.
#[export] Instance e_eq_dec : EqDecision e.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
induction x0 using e_ott_rec with
(P_list_e := fun e_list => forall e_list', {e_list = e_list'} + {e_list <> e_list'});
intros; try (destruct y; auto).
- destruct (decide (t5 = t0)) as [H_t|H_t].
+ by left; rewrite H_t.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (decide (x5 = x0)) as [H_x|H_x].
+ by left; rewrite H_x.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0 y); subst; first by auto.
by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0 y); subst; first by auto.
by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (IHx0_1 y1), (IHx0_2 y2); subst; first by auto.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
- destruct (decide (fc5 = fc0)) as [H_f|H_f].
+ rewrite H_f; destruct (IHx0 l); subst; auto.
by right; intro Hl; inversion Hl.
+ by right; inv 1.
- by destruct e_list'; auto.
- destruct e_list'; first by auto.
destruct (IHx0 e0); subst.
+ destruct (IHx1 e_list'); subst; first by auto.
by right; inv 1.
+ by right; inv 1.
#[export] Hint Resolve e_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance rhs_eq_dec : EqDecision rhs.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
- apply e_eq_dec.
- apply list_eq_dec; apply e_eq_dec.
#[export] Hint Resolve rhs_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance stmt_eq_dec : EqDecision stmt.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
- apply rhs_eq_dec.
- apply e_eq_dec.
- apply e_eq_dec.
- apply e_eq_dec.
#[export] Hint Resolve stmt_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance task_eq_dec: EqDecision task.
unfold EqDecision, Decision.
decide equality; auto with ott_coq_equality.
- by destruct (decide (s5 = s0)); [left|right].
- apply stmt_eq_dec.
#[export] Hint Resolve task_eq_dec : ott_coq_equality.
#[export] Instance countable_task: Countable task.
(* is there some automation for this? *)
Definition queue : Set := (gmultiset task).
Definition tasko : Type := (option task).
Inductive cn : Type := (*r configuration *)
| cn_future (f5:f) (to5:to)
| cn_object (C5:C) (s5:s) (tasko5:tasko) (queue5:queue)
| cn_invoc (o5:o) (f5:f) (m5:m) (_:list t).
(* defns expression_well_typing *)
Inductive typ_e : G -> e -> T -> Prop := (* defn e *)
| typ_bool : forall (G5:G) (b5:b),
typ_e G5 (e_t (t_b b5)) T_bool
| typ_int : forall (G5:G) (z5:z),
typ_e G5 (e_t (t_int z5)) T_int
| typ_var : forall (G5:G) (x5:x) (T5:T),
(lookup x5 G5 = Some (ctxv_T T5 )) ->
typ_e G5 (e_var x5) T5
| typ_neg : forall (G5:G) (e5:e),
typ_e G5 e5 T_int ->
typ_e G5 (e_neg e5) T_int
| typ_not : forall (G5:G) (e5:e),
typ_e G5 e5 T_bool ->
typ_e G5 (e_not e5) T_bool
| typ_add : forall (G5:G) (e1 e2:e),
typ_e G5 e1 T_int ->
typ_e G5 e2 T_int ->
typ_e G5 (e_add e1 e2) T_int
| typ_mul : forall (G5:G) (e1 e2:e),
typ_e G5 e1 T_int ->
typ_e G5 e2 T_int ->
typ_e G5 (e_mul e1 e2) T_int
| typ_eq : forall (G5:G) (e1 e2:e),
typ_e G5 e1 T_int ->
typ_e G5 e2 T_int ->
typ_e G5 (e_eq e1 e2) T_bool
| typ_lt : forall (G5:G) (e1 e2:e),
typ_e G5 e1 T_int ->
typ_e G5 e2 T_int ->
typ_e G5 (e_lt e1 e2) T_bool
| typ_func_expr : forall (e_T_list:list (e*T)) (G5:G) (fc5:fc) (T_5:T),
(forall e_ T_, In (e_,T_) (map (fun (pat_: (e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => (e_,T_) end) e_T_list) -> (typ_e G5 e_ T_)) ->
(lookup fc5 G5 = Some (ctxv_sig (sig_sig (map (fun (pat_:(e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => T_ end ) e_T_list) T_5) )) ->
typ_e G5 (e_fn_call fc5 (map (fun (pat_:(e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => e_ end ) e_T_list)) T_5.
(* defns function_well_typing *)
Inductive typ_F : G -> F -> Prop := (* defn F *)
| typ_func_decl : forall (T_x_list:list (T*x)) (G5:G) (T_5:T) (fc5:fc) (e5:e),
(lookup fc5 G5 = Some (ctxv_sig (sig_sig (map (fun (pat_:(T*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_) => T_ end ) T_x_list) T_5) )) ->
typ_e (foldr (fun (xT : x * T) (G0 : G) => insert (fst xT) (ctxv_T (snd xT)) G0) G5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_) => (x_,T_) end ) T_x_list) ) e5 T_5 ->
(NoDup (map (fun (pat_:(T*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_) => x_ end ) T_x_list) ) ->
typ_F G5 (F_fn T_5 fc5 T_x_list e5).
(* defns evaluation_reduction *)
Inductive red_e : list F -> s -> e -> s -> e -> Prop := (* defn e *)
| red_var : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (x5:x) (t5:t),
(lookup x5 s5 = Some ( t5 )) ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_var x5) s5 (e_t t5)
| red_neg : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (z5:z),
red_e F_list s5 (e_neg (e_t (t_int z5))) s5 (e_t (t_int (Z.sub Z.zero z5 ) ))
| red_not : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (b5:b),
red_e F_list s5 (e_not (e_t (t_b b5))) s5 (e_t (t_b (negb b5 ) ))
| red_add : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (z1 z2:z),
red_e F_list s5 (e_add (e_t (t_int z1)) (e_t (t_int z2))) s5 (e_t (t_int (Z.add z1 z2 ) ))
| red_mul : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (z1 z2:z),
red_e F_list s5 (e_mul (e_t (t_int z1)) (e_t (t_int z2))) s5 (e_t (t_int (Z.mul z1 z2 ) ))
| red_eq : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (z1 z2:z),
red_e F_list s5 (e_eq (e_t (t_int z1)) (e_t (t_int z2))) s5 (e_t (t_b (Z.eqb z1 z2 ) ))
| red_lt : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (z1 z2:z),
red_e F_list s5 (e_lt (e_t (t_int z1)) (e_t (t_int z2))) s5 (e_t (t_b (Z.ltb z1 z2 ) ))
| red_neg' : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e5:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e5 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_neg e5) s' (e_neg e')
| red_not' : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e5:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e5 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_not e5) s' (e_not e')
| red_add_l : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e1 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_add e1 e2) s' (e_add e' e2)
| red_add_r : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e2 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_add e1 e2) s' (e_add e1 e')
| red_mul_l : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e1 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_mul e1 e2) s' (e_add e' e2)
| red_mul_r : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e2 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_mul e1 e2) s' (e_add e1 e')
| red_eq_l : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e1 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_eq e1 e2) s' (e_eq e' e2)
| red_eq_r : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e2 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_eq e1 e2) s' (e_eq e1 e')
| red_lt_l : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e1 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_lt e1 e2) s' (e_lt e' e2)
| red_lt_r : forall (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (e1 e2:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e2 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_lt e1 e2) s' (e_lt e1 e')
| red_fun_exp : forall (e'_list e_list:list e) (F_list:list F) (s5:s) (fc5:fc) (e_5:e) (s':s) (e':e),
red_e F_list s5 e_5 s' e' ->
red_e F_list s5 (e_fn_call fc5 ((app e_list (app (cons e_5 nil) (app e'_list nil))))) s' (e_fn_call fc5 ((app e_list (app (cons e' nil) (app e'_list nil)))))
| red_fun_ground : forall (T_x_t_y_list:list (T*x*t*x)) (F'_list F_list:list F) (T_5:T) (fc5:fc) (e5:e) (s5:s),
(well_formed e5 s5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => y_ end ) T_x_t_y_list) ) ->
(disjoint (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => y_ end ) T_x_t_y_list) (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => x_ end ) T_x_t_y_list) ) ->
red_e ((app F_list (app (cons (F_fn T_5 fc5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (T_,x_) end ) T_x_t_y_list) e5) nil) (app F'_list nil)))) s5 (e_fn_call fc5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (e_t t_) end ) T_x_t_y_list)) (foldr (fun (xt : x * t) (s0 : s) => insert (fst xt) (snd xt) s0) s5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (y_,t_) end ) T_x_t_y_list) ) (e_var_subst e5 (map (fun (pat_:(T*x*t*x)) => match pat_ with (T_,x_,t_,y_) => (x_,y_) end ) T_x_t_y_list) ) .