From stdpp Require Import prelude gmap.
From ABS Require Import abs_defs list_util abs_util.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From ABS Require Import abs_defs list_util abs_util.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Section FunctionalMetatheory.
Hypothesis (vars_fs_distinct: forall (x_:x) (fn_:fc), x_ <> fn_).
Definition get_type (ctx: ctxv) : T :=
match ctx with
| ctxv_T T' => T'
| ctxv_fut T' => T'
| ctxv_sig (sig_sig _ T') => T'
(* this is stricter than the ABS paper *)
(* we require that any variables in the typing context also exist in the state *)
Definition G_vdash_s (G5 : G) (s5 : s) :=
forall (x5 : x) (T5 : ctxv),
lookup x5 G5 = Some T5 ->
exists t5,
lookup x5 s5 = Some t5 /\ typ_e G5 (e_t t5) (get_type T5).
Notation "G1 G⊢ s1" := (G_vdash_s G1 s1) (at level 5).
Lemma fresh_subG: forall G0 s0 (sub_list: list (T*x*t*x)),
G0 G⊢ s0 ->
fresh_vars_s (map (fun '(_,_,_,y)=>y) sub_list) s0 ->
NoDup (map (fun '(_,_,_,y)=>y) sub_list) ->
G0 ⊆ (foldr (fun '(T_,_,_,y_) G0 => insert y_ (ctxv_T T_) G0) G0 sub_list).
induction sub_list.
- easy.
- destruct a as (((?T_, ?x_), ?t_), y).
inv H1.
inv H0.
pose proof IHsub_list H2 H5.
apply subG_add; auto.
apply not_elem_of_dom_2 in H1.
apply not_elem_of_dom_1.
apply elem_of_dom in H3.
inv H3.
apply H1.
pose proof H _ _ H6 as (t, (?, ?)).
apply elem_of_dom; auto.
Lemma fresh_consistent: forall G0 s0 (sub_list: list (T*x*t*x)),
G_vdash_s G0 s0 ->
(forall T_ t_, (T_, t_) ∈ (map (fun '(T_, _, t_, _) => (T_, t_)) sub_list) ->
typ_e G0 (e_t t_) T_) ->
fresh_vars_s (map (fun '(_,_,_,y)=>y) sub_list) s0 ->
base.NoDup (map (fun '(_,_,_,y)=>y) sub_list) ->
G_vdash_s (fold_right (fun '(T_,_,_,y_) G0 => insert y_ (ctxv_T T_) G0) G0 sub_list)
(fold_right (fun '(_,_,t_,y_) s0 => insert y_ t_ s0) s0 sub_list).
induction sub_list.
* easy.
* destruct a as (((?T_, ?x_), ?t_), y).
inv H1.
inv H2.
intros ?y ?T_ ?.
destruct (eq_x y y0); subst.
- exists t_.
split; eauto with simpl_map.
assert (T_ = get_type T_0).
setoid_rewrite lookup_insert in H1.
now inv H1.
assert ((get_type T_0, t_) ∈ (map (fun '(T_, _, t_, _) => (T_, t_)) ((T_, x_, t_, y0) :: sub_list))).
rewrite <- H2.
now left.
specialize (H0 _ _ H5).
inv H0; constructor.
- simplify_map_eq.
assert (forall (T_ : T) (t_ : t),
(T_, t_) ∈ (map (fun '(T_0, _, t_0, _) => (T_0, t_0)) sub_list) ->
typ_e G0 (e_t t_) T_).
apply H0.
setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_ne in H1; auto.
epose proof IHsub_list H2 H4 H7 _ _ H1 as (?t_, (?, ?)).
exists t_0.
+ now setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_ne.
+ inv H8; constructor.
Lemma subG_consistent: forall G1 G2 s0,
subseteq G1 G2 -> G_vdash_s G2 s0 -> G_vdash_s G1 s0.
intros x_ T_ ?.
pose proof lookup_weaken _ _ _ _ H1 H.
pose proof H0 _ _ H2 as (?t, (?, ?)).
exists t.
split; auto.
inv H4;constructor.
Lemma subG_type: forall G1 G2 e0 T0,
subseteq G1 G2 -> typ_e G1 e0 T0 -> typ_e G2 e0 T0.
induction H0;
try (now constructor);
try (constructor; now apply IHtyp_e);
try (constructor; [now apply IHtyp_e1 | now apply IHtyp_e2]).
- constructor.
eapply lookup_weaken; eauto.
- constructor.
+ intros.
apply H1; auto.
+ eapply lookup_weaken; eauto.
Lemma subG_foldr: forall (Γ1 Γ2: G) l,
Γ1 ⊆ Γ2 ->
foldr (fun xT Γ => <[xT.1:=ctxv_T xT.2]> Γ) Γ1 l
⊆ foldr (fun xT Γ => <[xT.1:=ctxv_T xT.2]> Γ) Γ2 l.
induction l as [ | (?x_&?T_) ]; intros; simpl; auto.
apply insert_mono.
now apply IHl.
Lemma subG_typ_F: forall G1 G2 e0,
subseteq G1 G2 -> typ_F G1 e0 -> typ_F G2 e0.
inv H0.
constructor; auto.
+ eapply lookup_weaken; eauto.
+ eapply subG_type; [| apply H2].
now apply subG_foldr.
Lemma subG_typ_F_forall: forall G0 G_ Flist,
G0 ⊆ G_ ->
Forall (typ_F G0) Flist ->
Forall (typ_F G_) Flist.
apply Forall_forall.
eapply subG_typ_F; eauto.
apply (Forall_forall (typ_F G0) Flist); auto.
Lemma same_type_sub: forall (sub_list: list (x*x)) G0 e0 T0,
typ_e G0 e0 T0 ->
(forall x0 y0 T0,
In (x0, y0) sub_list ->
lookup x0 G0 = Some T0 ->
lookup y0 G0 = Some T0) ->
typ_e G0 (e_var_subst e0 sub_list) T0.
generalize dependent T0.
eapply e_ott_ind with
(n:= e0)
(P_list_e:= fun e_list => forall e0 T0,
In e0 e_list ->
typ_e G0 e0 T0 ->
typ_e G0 (e_var_subst e0 sub_list) T0)
; intros.
- rewrite subst_term.
simp e_var_subst_one.
- rewrite subst_var.
induction sub_list.
+ inv H.
now simpl.
+ destruct a.
destruct (eq_x (replace_var x5 sub_list) x); subst.
* eapply H0; eauto.
-- now left.
-- apply IHsub_list; eauto.
eapply H0; eauto.
now right.
* eapply IHsub_list; eauto.
eapply H0; eauto.
now right.
- inv H1.
rewrite subst_fn.
rewrite map_map.
replace (map (fun x : e * T => e_var_subst (let (e_, _) := x in e_) sub_list) e_T_list)
with (map (fun pat_:e*T => let (e, _) := pat_ in e) (map (fun '(e, T) => (e_var_subst e sub_list, T)) e_T_list))
by (rewrite map_map; apply map_ext; now intros (?, ?)).
+ intros.
apply in_map_iff in H1.
destruct H1 as ((?e, ?T), (?, ?)).
inv H1.
apply in_map_iff in H2.
destruct H2 as ((?e_, ?T_), (?, ?)).
inv H1.
apply H.
* apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_0, T_).
split; eauto.
* apply H5.
apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_0, T_).
split; eauto.
+ now replace (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (_, T_) := pat_ in T_) (map (fun '(e, T) => (e_var_subst e sub_list, T)) e_T_list))
with(map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (_, T_) := pat_ in T_) e_T_list)
by (rewrite map_map; apply map_ext; now intros (?, ?)).
- rewrite subst_neg.
inv H1.
now apply H.
- rewrite subst_not.
inv H1.
now apply H.
- rewrite subst_add.
inv H2.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H1.
- rewrite subst_mul.
inv H2.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H1.
- rewrite subst_eq.
inv H2.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H1.
- rewrite subst_lt.
inv H2.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H1.
- inv H.
- inv H2.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H1.
Lemma subst_lemma_one: forall G0 x0 y0 e0 Ai A,
typ_e (insert x0 Ai G0) e0 A ->
fresh_vars_e [y0] e0 ->
typ_e (insert y0 Ai G0) (e_var_subst_one e0 x0 y0) A.
generalize dependent A.
revert H0.
apply e_ott_ind with
(P_list_e:= fun e_list =>
forall e0 A,
In e0 e_list ->
fresh_vars_e [y0] e0 ->
typ_e (insert x0 Ai G0) e0 A ->
typ_e (insert y0 Ai G0) (e_var_subst_one e0 x0 y0) A);
- simp e_var_subst_one.
inv H; constructor.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
inv H.
apply lookup_insert_Some in H3.
destruct H3 as [(?,?)|(?,?)]; subst.
+ destruct (eq_x x5 x5); subst.
* constructor.
now simpl_map.
* contradiction.
+ destruct (eq_x x5 x0); subst.
* contradiction.
* destruct (eq_x x5 y0); subst.
-- simp fresh_vars_e in H0.
apply H0.
now left.
-- constructor.
now setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_ne.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
inv H1.
replace (e_list_subst_one (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (e_, _) := pat_ in e_) e_T_list) x0 y0)
with (map (fun pat_:e*T => let (e, _) := pat_ in e) (map (fun '(e, T) => (e_var_subst_one e x0 y0, T)) e_T_list))
by (rewrite e_list_subst_map;
rewrite 2 map_map;
apply map_ext;
now intros (?,?)).
+ intros.
apply in_map_iff in H1.
destruct H1 as ((?e, ?T), (?, ?)).
inv H1.
apply in_map_iff in H2.
destruct H2 as ((?e_, ?T_), (?, ?)).
inv H1.
apply H.
* apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_0, T_).
split; eauto.
* simp fresh_vars_e in H0.
eapply e_list_fresh.
apply H0.
apply in_map_iff.
eexists (e_0, T_).
split; auto.
* apply H5.
apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_0, T_).
split; eauto.
+ replace (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (_, T_) := pat_ in T_) (map (fun '(e, T) => (e_var_subst_one e x0 y0, T)) e_T_list))
with(map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (_, T_) := pat_ in T_) e_T_list)
by (rewrite map_map; apply map_ext; now intros (?, ?)).
setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_ne in H7; auto.
setoid_rewrite lookup_insert_ne; auto.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
inv H1.
now apply H.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
inv H1.
now apply H.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
simp fresh_vars_e in H1.
inv H2.
inv H1.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H0.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
simp fresh_vars_e in H1.
inv H2.
inv H1.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H0.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
simp fresh_vars_e in H1.
inv H2.
inv H1.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H0.
- simp e_var_subst_one.
simp fresh_vars_e in H1.
inv H2.
inv H1.
+ now apply H.
+ now apply H0.
- inv H.
- destruct H1; subst.
+ apply H; eauto.
+ apply H0; eauto.
Lemma typ_e_G_Equal_equiv_imp :
forall G1 G2 e T, G1 = G2 -> typ_e G1 e T -> typ_e G2 e T.
intros G1 G2 e0 T0 Heq.
intros Ht.
now rewrite <- Heq.
Lemma typ_e_G_Equal_equiv :
forall G1 G2 e T, G1 = G2 -> (typ_e G1 e T <-> typ_e G2 e T).
intros G1 G2 e0 T0 Heq; split; apply typ_e_G_Equal_equiv_imp; auto.
Lemma fold_map4 {A X Y Z W: Type}: forall (f : _ -> _ -> A -> A) (l: list (X*Y*Z*W)) a0,
fold_right (fun '(z, w, _, _) a => f z w a) a0 l =
fold_right (fun '(z, w) a => f z w a) a0
(map (fun '(z, w, _, _) => (z, w)) l).
induction l; intros; eauto.
destruct a as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
now rewrite IHl.
Lemma fold_map5 {A X Y Z W: Type}: forall (f : _ -> _ -> A -> A) (l: list (X*Y*Z*W)) a0,
fold_right (fun '(z, _, _, w) a => f z w a) a0 l =
fold_right (fun '(z, w) a => f z w a) a0
(map (fun '(z, _, _, w) => (z, w)) l).
induction l; intros; eauto.
destruct a as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
now rewrite IHl.
Lemma subst_lemma: forall (T_x_t_y_list:list (T*x*t*x)) G0 e0 A,
typ_e (fold_right (fun '(Ai, x_, _, _) (G0 : G) => insert x_ (ctxv_T Ai) G0) G0 T_x_t_y_list) e0 A ->
base.NoDup (map (fun '(_, _, _, y) => y) T_x_t_y_list) ->
base.NoDup (map (fun '(_, x, _, _) => x) T_x_t_y_list) ->
fresh_vars_e (map (fun '(_, _, _, y) => y) T_x_t_y_list) e0 ->
disjoint (map (fun '(_, _, _, y) => y) T_x_t_y_list) (map (fun '(_, x, _, _) => x) T_x_t_y_list) ->
typ_e (fold_right (fun '(Ai, _, _, y) (G0 : G) => insert y (ctxv_T Ai) G0) G0 T_x_t_y_list)
(e_var_subst e0 (map (fun '(_, x_, _, y_) => (x_, y_)) T_x_t_y_list)) A.
generalize dependent G0.
generalize dependent e0.
induction T_x_t_y_list; intros.
- easy.
- destruct a as (((?T_,?x_),?t_),?y).
unfold e_var_subst.
simpl in *.
inv H0.
inv H1.
pose proof fresh_first_e _ _ _ H2.
pose proof fresh_monotone_e _ _ _ H2.
epose proof disjoint_monotone _ _ _ _ H3.
assert (~ x_ ∈ (map (fun '(_, y) => y) (map (fun '(Ai, _, _, y1) => (Ai, y1)) T_x_t_y_list))).
{ intro.
apply (H3 x_).
- right.
rewrite map_map in H9.
replace (map (fun '(_, _, _, y1) => y1) T_x_t_y_list)
(map (fun x0 : T * x * t * x => let '(_, y) := let '(Ai, _, _, y1) := x0 in (Ai, y1) in y) T_x_t_y_list).
apply H9.
apply map_eq.
now intros (((?, ?), ?), ?).
- now left.
assert (~ x_ ∈ (map (fun '(_, y) => y) (map (fun '(Ai, x1, _, _) => (Ai, x1)) T_x_t_y_list))) as Hinx.
apply H5.
rewrite map_map in H10.
revert H10.
induction T_x_t_y_list ; try easy.
destruct a as (((? & ?) & ?) & ?).
inv 1.
- left.
- right.
apply IHT_x_t_y_list.
assert ((insert x_ (ctxv_T T_) (fold_right (fun '(Ai, x_0, _, _) (G0 : G) => insert x_0 (ctxv_T Ai) G0) G0 T_x_t_y_list))
(foldr (fun '(Ai, x_, _, _) (G0 : G) => insert x_ (ctxv_T Ai) G0) (insert x_ (ctxv_T T_) G0) T_x_t_y_list))
as HMEqualx.
epose proof fold_add_comm G0 x_ T_ (map (fun '(Ai, x1, _, _) => (Ai, x1)) T_x_t_y_list) Hinx.
rewrite 2 fold_map4.
assert ((fold_right (fun '(Ai, _, _, y) (G0 : G) => insert y (ctxv_T Ai) G0) (insert x_ (ctxv_T T_) G0) T_x_t_y_list) =
(insert x_ (ctxv_T T_) (fold_right (fun '(Ai, _, _, y) (G0 : G) => insert y (ctxv_T Ai) G0) G0 T_x_t_y_list)))
as HMEqualy.
epose proof fold_add_comm G0 x_ T_ (map (fun '(Ai, _, _, y1) => (Ai, y1)) T_x_t_y_list) H9.
rewrite fold_map5.
set (fd := fold_right _ _ _).
rewrite fold_map5.
unfold fd; clear fd.
apply (typ_e_G_Equal_equiv _ _ _ _ HMEqualx) in H.
epose proof IHT_x_t_y_list H7 H8 H4 _ H1 _ H as IH.
apply (typ_e_G_Equal_equiv _ _ _ _ HMEqualy) in IH.
assert (fresh_vars_e [y] (e_var_subst e0 (map (fun '(_, x_, _, y_) => (x_, y_)) T_x_t_y_list))).
assert (map snd (map (fun '(_, x_0, _, y_) => (x_0, y_)) T_x_t_y_list) = map (fun '(_, _, _, y) => y) T_x_t_y_list).
rewrite map_map.
apply map_eq.
now intros (((?, ?), ?), ?).
apply fresh_var_subst; try rewrite H10; auto.
apply H6.
apply elem_of_list_In; auto.
now apply (subst_lemma_one _ _ _ _ _ _ IH H10).
Lemma type_preservation_step : forall (Flist : list F) (G5 : G) (s5 : s),
G_vdash_s G5 s5 ->
Forall (typ_F G5) Flist ->
forall (e5 : e) (T5 : T) (s' : s) (e' : e),
typ_e G5 e5 T5 ->
red_e Flist s5 e5 s' e' ->
exists G', subseteq G5 G' /\ G_vdash_s G' s' /\ typ_e G' e' T5.
intros Fs G5 s0 s_well_typed F_well_typed.
intros e0 T0 s' e' e0_type reduction.
generalize dependent T0.
generalize dependent G5.
induction reduction;
try ((intros; exists G5; repeat split; auto; inv e0_type; constructor)).
- intros.
exists G5; splits.
1,2: easy.
inv e0_type.
destruct (s_well_typed x5 (ctxv_T T0) H2) as (?, (?, ?)).
rewrite H in H0.
inv H0.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H1 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
now constructor.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H1 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
now constructor.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H2 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H4 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H2 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H4 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H2 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H4 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H2 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- intros.
inv e0_type.
pose proof IHreduction _ s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H4 as (G' & ? & ? & ?).
exists G'.
repeat split; auto.
constructor; auto.
eapply subG_type; eauto.
- (* RED_FUN_EXPR *)
inv e0_type.
rewrite app_nil_r in H0.
pose proof split_corresponding_list e_T_list e_list e_5 e'_list H0
as (T_list & T_5 & T'_list & ? & ? & ?).
assert (In (e_5, T_5) (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (e_0, T_0) := pat_ in (e_0, T_0)) e_T_list)). {
rewrite H3.
apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_5, T_5).
split; auto.
apply in_combine_split with (2:=eq_refl); auto.
pose proof H2 e_5 T_5 H5.
destruct (IHreduction G5 s_well_typed F_well_typed _ H6) as (G' & G'extends & G'consistent & ?).
exists G'.
1,2: easy.
replace (e_list ++ [e'] ++ e'_list ++ []) with
(map (fun (pat_:(e*T)) => match pat_ with (e_,T_) => e_ end )
(combine (e_list ++ [e'] ++ e'_list ++[]) (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (_, T_) := pat_ in T_) e_T_list))).
apply typ_func_expr.
* intros.
rewrite pat2_id in H8.
rewrite H3 in H8.
rewrite combine_snd in H8.
rewrite combine_app in H8...
apply in_app_iff in H8.
destruct H8.
-- apply subG_type with (G1:=G5); auto.
apply H2.
apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_, T_).
split; auto.
rewrite H3.
rewrite combine_app; auto.
eapply in_app_iff.
now left.
rewrite 2 app_length.
rewrite H1.
-- rewrite combine_app in H8; auto.
apply in_app_iff in H8.
destruct H8.
++ inv H8;[|contradiction].
apply H7.
++ apply subG_type with (G1:=G5); auto.
apply H2.
apply in_map_iff.
exists (e_, T_).
split; auto.
rewrite H3.
rewrite combine_app; auto.
eapply in_app_iff.
rewrite app_nil_r in H8.
apply H8.
rewrite 2 app_length.
rewrite H1.
++ rewrite app_nil_r.
apply H1.
-- auto.
-- rewrite app_nil_r.
rewrite H1.
-- rewrite 4 app_length.
* rewrite combine_snd.
++ eapply lookup_weaken; eauto.
++ rewrite map_length.
rewrite H3.
rewrite 2 combine_app; auto.
** repeat (rewrite app_length).
rewrite 3 combine_length.
rewrite H, H1.
** rewrite 2 app_length.
rewrite H1.
* rewrite app_nil_r.
rewrite combine_fst; auto.
rewrite map_length.
rewrite H3.
rewrite combine_length.
repeat (rewrite app_length).
rewrite H, H1.
set (fn_def:=(F_fn T_5 fc5 (map (fun '(T_, x_, _, _) => (T_, x_)) T_x_t_y_list) e5)).
pose proof list_util.in_split F_list F'_list fn_def.
rewrite app_nil_r in *.
pose proof Forall_forall (typ_F G5) (F_list ++ [fn_def] ++ F'_list) as (? & _).
pose proof H2 F_well_typed fn_def H1 as fn_typed.
inv fn_typed.
inv e0_type.
destruct H as ((?, ?), ?).
assert (e_T_list = map (fun '(T_, _, t_, _) => (e_t t_, T_)) T_x_t_y_list).
eapply map_split'.
- replace (map fst e_T_list) with (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (e_, _) := pat_ in e_) e_T_list) by easy.
rewrite H4.
apply map_ext.
- replace (map snd e_T_list) with (map (fun pat_ : e * T => let (_, T_) := pat_ in T_) e_T_list) by easy.
rewrite H3.
rewrite map_map.
apply map_ext.
now destruct a as (((?, ?), ?), ?).
exists (foldr (fun '(T_, _, _, y) G0 => insert y (ctxv_T T_) G0) G5 T_x_t_y_list).
+ eapply fresh_subG; eauto.
rewrite <- fold_map.
apply fresh_consistent; eauto.
rewrite elem_of_list_In in H12.
apply in_map_iff in H12.
destruct H12 as (Txty, (?, ?)).
apply H6.
inv H12.
rewrite map_map.
apply in_map_iff.
exists Txty.
split; auto.
destruct Txty as (((?, ?), ?), ?).
now inv H15.
+ apply subst_lemma; auto.
* rewrite <- fold_map_reshuffle; eauto.
* rewrite map_xs in H10.
apply H10.
Definition reduce (Fs: list F): relation (e * s) :=
fun x y => let (e0, s0) := x in let (e1, s1) := y in red_e Fs s0 e0 s1 e1.
Definition local_well_typed (G0: G) (T_:T): (e * s) -> Prop :=
fun '(e, s) => exists G_, G0 ⊆ G_ /\ G_vdash_s G_ s /\ typ_e G_ e T_.
Lemma type_preservation : forall (Flist : list F) (G5 : G) (s5 : s),
G_vdash_s G5 s5 ->
Forall (typ_F G5) Flist ->
forall (e5 : e) (T5 : T) σ,
typ_e G5 e5 T5 ->
(rtc (reduce Flist)) (e5, s5) σ ->
local_well_typed G5 T5 σ.
(* induction using rtc_ind_r does not recognize the branches of an induction scheme *)
eapply rtc_ind_r with (x:=(e5, s5)); eauto.
- exists G5.
splits; auto.
- intros (?e_&?s_) (?e_&?s_) COMP STEP (?G_ & ?SUB & ? & ?TYP).
epose proof type_preservation_step _ _ _ H3 _ _ _ _ _ TYP STEP as (?G_ & ? & ? & ?TYP_STEP).
exists G_0.
splits; auto.
transitivity G_; auto.
now eapply (subG_typ_F_forall G5).
End FunctionalMetatheory.