From stdpp Require Import prelude strings fin_maps natmap gmap gmultiset.
From ABS Require Import list_util abs_defs abs_util abs_functional_metatheory.
From ABS Require Import list_util abs_defs abs_util abs_functional_metatheory.
Notation id := nat.
(* Imperative semantics based on FASE-20 paper – not generated from Ott, but probably should be *)
Equations get_class_name (CL0:CL): C := {get_class_name (class name _ _) := name}.
Equations get_fields (CL0:CL): list (T*x) := {get_fields (class _ fields _) := fields}.
Equations get_methods (CL0:CL): list M := {get_methods (class _ _ methods) := methods}.
Equations get_params (_:M): list (T*x) := {get_params (M_m _ _ params _ _ ) := params}.
Equations get_type (_:M): T := {get_type (M_m type _ _ _ _ ) := type}.
Variant is_fut: cn -> Prop := is_fut_intro: forall f v, is_fut (cn_future f v).
Definition config := (natmap cn).
Definition add (p:task) (q:queue) := (q ⊎ {[+ p +]}).
Definition remove (p:task) (q:queue) := (q ∖ {[+ p +]}).
Equations get_method_decl (m0:m) (l: list M) : option M := {
get_method_decl _ [] := None ;
get_method_decl m ((M_m T m' params decl body)::Ms) :=
if decide (m = m') then Some (M_m T m' params decl body) else get_method_decl m Ms
Equations get_class_decl (c:C) (l: list CL) : option CL := {
get_class_decl _ [] := None ;
get_class_decl c ((class name fields methods)::Cs) :=
if decide (c = name) then Some (class name fields methods) else get_class_decl c Cs
Lemma get_class_decl_some: forall c l C,
get_class_decl c l = Some C -> In C l.
induction l; intros; try (now inv H).
destruct a.
autorewrite with get_class_decl in *.
case_decide; inv H.
+ now left.
+ right; auto.
Equations bind_params_aux (s0:s) (vs: list t) (params: list (T*x)): s := {
bind_params_aux s0 [] _ := s0;
bind_params_aux s0 _ [] := s0;
bind_params_aux s0 (v::vs) ((_,x)::Txs) := insert x v (bind_params_aux s0 vs Txs)
Definition bind_params := bind_params_aux empty.
Equations bind (m0:m) (vs: list t) (f0:f) (CL0:CL) : option task := {
bind m vs f (class n params m_list) :=
match get_method_decl m m_list with
| None => None
| Some (M_m T m' params decl body) =>
Some (tsk body (bind_params vs params))
Definition eval (Fs: list F) (s0:s) (e0:e) (v:t): Prop :=
exists sf, (rtc (reduce Fs)) (e0, s0) (e_t v, sf).
Equations eval_list (Fs: list F) (s0:s) (es: list e) (vs: list t): Prop := {
eval_list _ _ [] [] := True;
eval_list Fs s0 (e::es) (v::vs) := eval Fs s0 e v /\ eval_list Fs s0 es vs;
eval_list _ _ _ _ := False
Definition destiny: f := "destiny"%string.
Definition fresh (f0:f) (σ:config) : Prop := forall i f v, σ !! i = Some (cn_future f v) -> f <> f0.
(* should we also require no invocations that mention f?
alternatively we could assume (id_of f) is always present for invocations
Inductive stmt_step {Fs: list F}: config -> config -> Prop :=
| step_activate: forall σ p q i a C,
p ∈ q ->
σ !! i = Some (cn_object C a None q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[i:=(cn_object C a (Some p) (remove p q))]> σ)
| step_asgn1: forall σ i a C l x e s q v,
x ∈ dom l ->
eval Fs (union a l) e v ->
σ !! i = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_asgn x (rhs_e e)) s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[i:=(cn_object C a (Some (tsk s (<[x:=v]> l))) q)]> σ)
| step_asgn2: forall σ o a C l x e s q v,
x ∈ dom a ->
eval Fs (union a l) e v ->
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_asgn x (rhs_e e)) s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=(cn_object C (<[x:=v]> a) (Some (tsk s l)) q)]> σ)
| step_cond1: forall σ o a C l e s1 s2 s q,
eval Fs (union a l) e (t_b true) ->
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_cond e s1 s2) s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq s1 s) l)) q]> σ)
| step_cond2: forall σ o a C l e s1 s2 s q,
eval Fs (union a l) e (t_b false) ->
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_cond e s1 s2) s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq s2 s) l)) q]> σ)
| step_skip1: forall σ o a C l s q,
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq stmt_skip s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a (Some (tsk s l)) q]> σ)
| step_skip2: forall σ o a C l q,
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk stmt_skip l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a None q]> σ)
| step_while: forall σ o a C l e s1 s2 q,
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_loop e s1) s2) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a (Some ( tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_cond e (stmt_seq s1 (stmt_loop e s1)) stmt_skip) s2) l)) q]> σ)
| step_call: forall σ oi o' a C l q x m es vs s f i j,
fresh f σ ->
~ i ∈ dom σ ->
~ j ∈ dom σ ->
eval_list Fs (union a l) es vs ->
σ !! oi = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_asgn x (rhs_invoc o' m es)) s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[oi:=cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_asgn x (rhs_get f)) s) l)) q]>
(<[i:=cn_invoc o' f m vs]>
(<[j:=cn_future f None]> σ)))
| step_return: forall σ o a C l e v q f fi,
eval Fs (union a l) e v ->
σ !! fi = Some (cn_future f None) ->
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_ret e) l)) q) ->
l !! destiny = Some (t_fut fi) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a None q]>
(<[fi:=cn_future f (Some v)]> σ))
| step_read: forall σ o a C l x s v q f fi,
σ !! fi = Some (cn_future f (Some v)) ->
σ !! o = Some (cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_asgn x (rhs_get f)) s) l)) q) ->
stmt_step σ (<[o:=cn_object C a (Some (tsk (stmt_seq (stmt_asgn x (rhs_e (e_t v))) s) l)) q]> σ)
| step_load: forall σ o oi i a p p' q f m vs C CL,
σ !! oi = Some (cn_object C a p q) ->
σ !! i = Some (cn_invoc o f m vs) ->
get_class_name CL = C ->
bind m vs f CL = Some p' ->
stmt_step σ (<[oi:=cn_object C a p (add p' q)]> (delete i σ))